Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Dogs' Sense of Hearing

More here on dog's senses, since we are better at "talkin' dog" when we understand what the dog is perceiving...

It has actually been measured that a dog’s normal sense of hearing is 28 times more sensitive than normal human hearing. So when dogs can hear a mouse at 50 yards, that’s quite a feat!

Dogs can hear a much wider range of sounds than humans. Dogs can sense sounds in the ultrasonic range as high as 50,000 Hz. In comparison, humans can pick up an average of 20,000 Hz. Some dog trainers teach dogs by training dogs to respond to different commands given on whistles that produce ultra high frequencies to reach the dog's unique sense of hearing.

Also, since dogs’ ears can move in different directions, they can pinpoint the exact location of the origin of a sound. You will see dogs’ ears prick up and move around. The cupped shape of their ears helps maximize sounds for them and enhance the dog's sense of hearing.

by Dennis Fetko, Ph.D. "Dr. Dog"

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